BAL Consulting News  The advertisement is the most truthful part of a newspaper. - Thomas Jefferson

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Web BAL Consulting

© Copyright 1978-2024 BAL Consulting®P/LAll rights reserved. Citation Policy.

7 December 2022 commenced migration from TPPWholesale into WebCentral.

5 October 2020 is transitioning to secure https-traffic under GeoTrust RSA CA certificate.

20 Sep 2021 Major additions to Internet Presence Protection Security Services

19 Jun 2018 Aerostats All Australia (AAA) Submission to the Regional Telecommunications Review - 19 June 2018

5 Jan 2017 AAA response to Productivity Commission USO Inquiry Information

Feb 2016 Aerostats All Australia AAA Mobile Coverage

Feb 2016 Carriers, gov’t to be pitched on plan for remote balloon mobile network .. Published by Communications Day 2 February 2016.

12 April 2013 Registered under NSW Data Centre Reform Market Place ICT Services DCR103

08 April 2013 Prequalified under both SCM005 and SCM020 and registered under NSW Finance & Services Performance and Management Services Scheme Categories:
1) Infrastructure and Major Projects; 2) General Technical Expertise.

03 December 2013 BAL Consulting P/L listed for NSW Data Centre Migration Services under NSW Data Centre Reform DCR102

19 May 2011 Release of Hybrid Messaging, Inbound Mail and Logistics R&D for Investors

 Intelligent Boundary System
Hybrid Mail Patent Application Summary
Short Generation I Patent Application
Initial USPTO Objections at Generation I Patent
Future Generation II Patent Application
Business Case Table of Contents

Full Business Case
(MS Word, 31 March 1998)
Full Business Case
Patent Diagrams
(MS Power Point)
Patent Diagrams

Business Concept Diagrams
Management Overview
Hybrid Messaging Workshop I
(MS Power Point)
Hybrid Messaging Workshop II
(MS Power Point)
Hybrid Messaging - Postal Address Testing Results
In-Bound Mail Overview

In-Bound Mail Architecture
Proposal for @Post Corporation
@Post Budget
@Post Functional Requirements
Links to Hybrid Mail and Messaging Research

26 August 2010 Launch of Internet Presence Protection Services

3 May 2010 Reorganisition of the web-site into 1) Project Management and Professional Services under; 2) Investors for Logistics and Postal Services R&D under assisted an old client fight off a web-site hacker web-backend infrastructure was updated to the latest technology, celebrates the best financial year ever consulting for Banking,

In our view the Global Financial Crises GFC is best explained by Cosmology:

Super massive stars cannot maintain their fusion for too long. These stars for a short period shine very bright before burping out into a Red Giant followed by a rapid collapse into a white dwarf and then into a brown dwarf before ending up as a neutron star or in some cases as a black hole. Also in-line is our usual explanation about the difference between wise and smart is that smart get out of situations that the wise would never get into in the first place.

1 January, 2008 celebrates 30 years of innovation: 1978-2008

15 September, 2007 has completed its move to the new premises in the Sydney CBD.

28 April, 2007 supports IT Pro Australia - See April 2007 Spotlight on Ben Livson CEO of

20 January, 2007 is partnering with International Outsourcing Services - a specialist in Business Process Outsourcing of procurement.

4 January, 2007 web-site has been updated old paper based R&D reports scanned in as PDF files, see 1970 R&D.

6 November, 2006 BAL Consulting plans for 2007 include moving offices to the Sydney NSW 2000 CBD to the proximity of the top 50 Head Offices in Australia. The web-site will see copious amounts of old paper based R&D reports scanned in as PDF files for first time public access.

3 February, 2006 BAL Consulting and Temple Technologies Private Limited have formed an alliance with Temple Technologies providing services in Web and Portal Development, Application Development, .Net and Open Source Technologies, Search Engine Optimization, Business Intelligence, Data Warehousing, Data Mining and Offshore Development.

1 December, 2005 BAL Consulting and ASEAN Securities Limited set up a JV for advisory of AFT "Asset Financing for Telecommunications".

29 March, 2005 BAL Consulting commences weekly updates of its public Hybrid and Inbound Mail, Logistics and Postal Service Research.

25 November, 2004 BAL Consulting completes its framework for Inbound Mail handling by Postal Services. A culmination of seven years of research into Postal Services 2020+.

13 July, 2004 Registered ® Class 42 Trademark 978492 granted: services being intellectual property consultancy and computer consultancy services in relation to: telecommunications, messaging, postal services and logistics, wireless, internet, intranet and e-business.

7 June, 2004 BAL Consulting offers its investor market intelligence on search engines and web services

16 March, 2004 BAL Consulting exercises the second 750,000 lot of its MTO options, see ASX: Appendix 3B - Exercise of Options.  

27 February, 2004 BAL Consulting exercises the first 750,000 of its 4.5m MTO options, see ASX: Appendix 3B - Exercise of Options - also see the 30 June 2000 ASX announcement: EQUS LTD (ASX: EQS) completes the acquisition of I-C-IP LTD.

26 January, 2004 BAL Group is evolving into BAL Consulting and BAL Research & Development reflected by an expanded share capital structure.

7 January, 2004 BAL Consulting launches its Business Exit Strategy & Valuation services.

26 December, 2003 BAL Consulting releases its Messaging Anti-Spam Intellectual Property for Sale.

15 December, 2003 BAL Consulting is formalizing its business exit services offering.

1 December, 2003 BAL Consulting is formalizing its IP portfolio. Also, our web services are being upgraded to the latest. Our domains now include,,, and

6 October, 2003 BAL Consulting is completing a framework for Valuing Knowledge Capital for Search and Content with major commercial search industry research completed.

10 September, 2003 BAL Consulting is raising capital to commercialize 3rd party Intellectual Property on WiFi modems and 3G UMTS Planning.

13 August, 2003 BAL Consulting completes its review of Hybrid Messaging Research now in its seventh year since the initial Stockholm meetings with Sweden Post in July 1997. Hybrid Mail @Post, Logistics @Fulfillment and in particular In-Bound Mail were confirmed as the focus of our continued research.

30 June, 2003 BAL Consulting is a partner of RPT Pacific a high-end regional Asia-Pacific economic consultancy.

15 May, 2003 BAL Consulting launches its service for idea submission. We promote the best ideas to investment readiness and may assist in capital raising, too. Our global network of advisors assists us in evaluating the potential.

9 April, 2003 BAL Consulting launches its initial network of advisors, associates and partners from Sydney, most state capitals of Australia, Singapore, Hong Kong,  USA, UK, Switzerland, Finland, Sweden and Israel. We welcome queries about how to join our network.

12 February, 2003 BAL Consulting completes extensive trials with knowledge capital valuation methods.

November 6, 2002 TCG Group – an affiliate of BAL Consulting P/L - this morning announced an agreement to represent Strassmann, Inc. in Australia – a leading U.S. strategic consultancy in Information Productivity® Assessment and Knowledge Capital® Assessment . "This is an exciting day for us who have eagerly awaited today's announcement," said Ben Livson, the CEO of BAL Consulting P/L. We are in a position to be the leader in Australia for Cost Justifying IT Investments ROI and IT Value using the techniques developed by Mr. Paul Strassmann and benchmarked against a database of 7,500 US companies.”

November 4-5, 2002 BAL Consulting was one of the organizers of the Australian Vendor Management Forum.

August 19, 2002 Vision 2020+ and approach to the sale of Intellectual Property to Investors

July 24, 2002, Ben Livson, CEO of BAL Consulting P/L is a member of the Commonwealth - Australian Industry working group organizing Paul Strassmann's November 2002 Outsourcing seminar for key Australian CEOs/CTOs/CIOs. Dr. Strassman was the Director of the US Department of Defense Corporate Information Management Program and currently serves as the CIO of NASA.

Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm. - Sir Winston Churchill

February 25, 2002 myphone@directories: @MyPlan on our Directory enabled IP Telephony

February 11, 2002 Watch this space: myphone@directories

April 23, 2001 BAL's commercialisation for eventual sale of Equity in BAL Consulting P/L and/or Intellectual Property commences. Investors primarily targeted are:
1. Consulting and professional services firms valuing the purchase of a telecommunications IT&T specialist consultancy in Sydney.
2. Parties valuing our Intellectual Property in unified messaging including hybrid mail and postal messaging.
For investor queries contact +61 414 250 437

September 4, 2000 Preview of our valuation methodology for startups

30 June 2000 EQUS LTD (ASX: EQS) completes the acquisition of I-C-IP LTD

16 June 2000 establishment of 'I See Intellectual Property' and listing on the Australian Stock Exchange:
Acquisition of I-C-IP Limited/Proposed Appt of New Directors

March 31, 2000 Shield Equities Ltd announces the appointment of Ben Livson to the Board.
© 2000 Australian Stock Exchange Limited. ACN 008 624 691.
Shield Telecommunications Ltd is listed under Australian, Frankfurt and Berlin Stock Exchange code SQS (CIG since 2004).

March 18, 2000 BAL Consulting P/L registers dedicated to hybrid mail and postal messaging.

February 5, 2000 BAL Consulting P/L launches e-incubator services for new e-initiatives with emphasis on postal messaging and internet fulfillment concepts.

January 8, 2000 BAL Consulting P/L embarks on extending the @post concept to support internet fulfillment services for e-tailers. Stay tuned with our Intellectual Property area.

November 9, 1999 BAL Consulting P/L introduces e-valuations® - a new fixed price e-service for evaluating e-business concepts.

September 27, 1999 first introduction of @Post Postal Messaging

August 16, 1999 BAL Consulting P/L released abstracts of IP portfolio on hybrid mail and messaging for public viewing. Contact BAL Consulting P/L to gain access to investor areas.

July 26, 1999 @Post Corporation P/L is launched to commercialize our intellectual property on hybrid mail and messaging, logistics and postal services integration.

July 1, 1999 BAL Consulting P/L completes its annual series of hybrid mail and messaging sessions with the Nordic Postal Services.

June 8, 1999 BAL Consulting P/L appointed to provide e-commerce services for the Nevada-based New Discoveries Publishing Corp. (OTCBB: NWDP).

May 31, 1999 BAL Consulting P/L releases its Web Mate methodology.

May 18, 1999 BAL Consulting P/L launches its Valued Added Messaging workshop offering.

March-April 1999 BAL Consulting P/L commences takes an active interest in Internet gaming.

April 19, 1999 BAL Consulting P/L commences contestable market analysis for Energy Australia's metered data repository.

March 14, 1999 BAL Consulting P/L registers for consulting services by email. The web-sites is e-commerce enabled.

March 6, 1999 BAL Consulting P/L launches a new consulting services offering by email

March 4, 1999 BAL Consulting P/L launches extranet areas for hybrid mail and messaging and e-commerce.

4Q 1998 BAL Consulting P/L completes feasibility studies for DET NSW for the provision of e-mail for 1.5 million students and teachers.

December 11, 1988 Outback Digital Network - a BAL Consulting P/L customer - has recently won the first $3m from Senator Alston's Commonwealth RTIF Fund for Regional Network Services to provide Internet Services to the remote communities in the Top End of Australia. This is phase one in ODN $22m multi-year plan.

November 23, 1998 BAL Consulting P/L launches its Intellectual Property Offering. BAL specialises in IP and technology for messaging and e-commerce. Summaries of current IP will be made available 2Q 1999.

November 10, 1988 BAL Consulting P/L delivers its research on Australia Post KeyPOST X.509 Public Key Infrastructure with major service-process and architectural improvements.

October 5, 1998 BAL Consulting P/L has a major research interest in hybrid mail and messaging systems including email to postal services conversion. Some of the research will be declassified by 2Q 1999. In the meantime here are some of the more interesting public domain links to hybrid mail and messaging.

September 24, 1998 BAL Consulting P/L allies with the Pragmat Consulting P/L group that specialises in banking and finance sector IT and business relationships consulting.

July 20, 1988 BAL Consulting P/L launches WebMate for web-enabling your core IT applications. WebMate provides a universal browser user interface for core legacy applications and Internet-Intranet-Extranet I2E access including managed routers, firewalls, RADIUS servers and secure mobile computing to extend the economic life of many core applications by five-to-ten years.

April 26, 1988 BAL Consulting P/L presents its principals - business partners network.

April 12,1998 BAL Consulting P/L represents SECI in Australia and New Zealand. Software Engineering Consultants, Inc., (SECI) is an internationally recognized firm that provides software engineering consulting, training and maturity assessment.Our professional relationship with Dr. Manny Baker, president and founder of SECI Inc. goes back some twenty years.

March 30, 1998 BAL Consulting P/L and Savant Network Services P/L subsequently sold SMS Management & Technology promote each other as preferred suppliers with Savant specializing in Cisco Network Services.

March 26, 1998 BAL Consulting P/L won the Sydney Water Corporation tender for Consulting Services to Review Intranet Infrastructure. Sydney Water Corporation is a major utility and a NSW Government corporation.

March 26, 1998 Australia Post and BAL Consulting P/L held a joint workshop to discuss options for national addressing of email and integration of email with postal services.

March 24, 1998 BAL Consulting P/L was nominated as a Telstra Big Pond Authorised Business Partner.

March 20, 1998 BAL Consulting P/L is proud to represent SoHaR Inc. in Australia and New Zealand. SoHaR Inc. is a USA leader in Software, Hardware and Reliability SoHaR, fault tolerance, aerospace and flight control safety analysis. Our professional and business relationship with SoHaR Inc. goes back some twenty years.

Nobody likes the man who brings bad news. - Sophocles in Antigone but don’t kill the messenger.

BAL is a services only company and has no financial interest in products or vendors

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